
Gremlin Destination Plugin

Latest: v2.2.11

This destination plugin lets you sync data from any CloudQuery source to a Gremlin compatible graph database such as AWS Neptune.

Supported database (tested) versions (We use the official Go driver (opens in a new tab)):

  • Gremlin Server >= 3.6.2
  • AWS Neptune >= 1.2

As a side note graph databases can be quite useful for various networking use-cases, visualization, for read-teams, blue-teams and more.



This example configures a Gremlin destination, located at ws://localhost:8182. The username and password are stored in environment variables.

kind: destination
  name: "gremlin"
  registry: "github"
  path: "cloudquery/gremlin"
  version: "v2.2.11"
    endpoint: "ws://localhost:8182"
    # Optional parameters
    # auth_mode: none
    # username: ""
    # password: ""
    # aws_region: ""
    # max_retries: 5
    # max_concurrent_connections: 5 # default: number of CPUs
    # batch_size: 200
    # batch_size_bytes: 4194304 # 4 MiB

The (top level) spec section is described in the Destination Spec Reference.

Make sure you use environment variable expansion in production instead of committing the credentials to the configuration file directly.

The Gremlin destination utilizes batching, and supports batch_size and batch_size_bytes.

Connecting to AWS Neptune

For AWS Neptune, you don't need to specify any credentials if IAM authentication is not enabled. Keep auth_mode at none.

If IAM authentication is enabled, you need to set auth_mode to aws and aws_region to the region of the database. The plugin will use the default AWS credentials chain to authenticate.

Plugin Spec

This is the (nested) spec used by the Gremlin destination Plugin.

  • endpoint (string) (required)

    Endpoint for the database. Supported schemes are wss:// and ws://, the default port is 8182.

    • "localhost" (defaults to wss://localhost:8182)
    • "ws://localhost:8182"
    • "wss://"
  • insecure (boolean) (optional)

    Whether to skip TLS verification. Defaults to false. This should be set on a MacOS environment when connecting to an AWS Neptune endpoint.

  • auth_mode (string) (optional) (default: none)

    Authentication mode to use. basic uses static credentials, aws uses AWS IAM authentication. Supported values are none, basic or aws.

  • username (string) (optional)

    Username to connect to the database.

  • password (string) (optional)

    Password to connect to the database.

  • aws_region (string) (required when auth_mode is aws)

    AWS region to use for AWS IAM authentication.

  • max_retries (integer) (optional) (default: 5)

    Number of retries on ConcurrentModificationException before giving up for each batch. Retries are exponentially backed off.

  • max_concurrent_connections (integer) (optional) (default: number of CPUs)

    Maximum number of concurrent connections to the database.

  • complete_types (boolean) (optional) (default: false)

    Whether to use all Gremlin-supported types or just a basic set. Should remain false for Amazon Neptune compatibility.

  • batch_size (integer) (optional) (default: 200)

    Number of records to batch together before sending to the database.

  • batch_size_bytes (integer) (optional) (default: 4194304 (4 MiB))

    Number of bytes (as Arrow buffer size) to batch together before sending to the database.