
Kafka Destination Plugin

Latest: v3.2.10

This destination plugin lets you sync data from a CloudQuery source to Kafka in various formats such as CSV, JSON. Each table will be pushed to a separate topic.


This example configures connects to a Kafka destination with no authentication and pushes messages in JSON format.

The (top level) spec section is described in the Destination Spec Reference.

kind: destination
  name: "kafka"
  path: "cloudquery/kafka"
  version: "v3.2.10"
    brokers: ["<broker-host>:<broker-port>"]
    format: "csv" # options: parquet, json, csv
      # CSV-specific parameters:
      # delimiter: ","
      # skip_header: false

    # Optional parameters
    # compression: "" # options: gzip
    # sasl_username: ""
    # sasl_password: ""
    # client_id: cq-destination-kafka
    # verbose: false
    # batch_size: 1000

Note that the Kafka plugin only supports append write-mode. The (top level) spec section is described in the Destination Spec Reference.

Plugin Spec

This is the (nested) plugin spec

  • brokers ([]string) (required)

    List of brokers to connect to.

  • format (string) (required)

    Format of the output file. Supported values are csv, json and parquet.

  • format_spec (format_spec) (optional)

    Optional parameters to change the format of the file.

  • compression (string) (optional) (default: empty)

    Compression algorithm to use. Supported values are empty or gzip. Not supported for parquet format.

  • sasl_username (string) (optional) (default: empty)

    If connecting via SASL/PLAIN, the username to use.

  • sasl_password (string) (optional) (default: empty)

    If connecting via SASL/PLAIN, the password to use.

  • client_id (string) (optional) (default: cq-destination-kafka)

    Client ID to be set for Kafka API calls.

  • verbose (boolean) (optional) (default: false)

    If true, the plugin will log all underlying Kafka client messages to the log.

  • batch_size (integer) (optional) (default: 1000)

    Number of records to write before starting a new object.


  • delimiter (string) (optional) (default: ,)

    Character that will be used as want to use as the delimiter if the format type is csv.

  • skip_header (boolean) (optional) (default: false)

    Specifies if the first line of a file should be the headers (when format is csv).