
AWS Source Plugin Configuration Reference


Single Account Example

This example connects a single AWS account in one region to a Postgres destination. The (top level) source spec section is described in the Source Spec Reference.

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: aws
  path: cloudquery/aws
  version: "v22.15.0"
  tables: ["aws_ec2_instances"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    # AWS Spec section described below
      - us-east-1
      - id: "account1"
        local_profile: "account1"
    aws_debug: false

See tables for a list of all available tables.

AWS Organization Example

CloudQuery supports discovery of AWS Accounts via AWS Organizations. This means that as Accounts get added or removed from your organization CloudQuery will be able to handle new or removed accounts without any configuration changes.

kind: source
  name: aws
  registry: github
  path: cloudquery/aws
  version: "v22.15.0"
  tables: ['aws_s3_buckets']
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    aws_debug: false
        local_profile: "<NAMED_PROFILE>"
      member_role_name: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
      - '*'

For full details, see the Multi Account Configuration Tutorial.

AWS Spec

This is the (nested) spec used by the AWS source plugin.

  • regions ([]string) (default: []. Will use all enabled regions)

    Regions to use.

  • accounts ([]account) (default: current account)

    List of all accounts to fetch information from

  • org (org) (default: not used)

    In AWS organization mode, CloudQuery will source all accounts underneath automatically

  • concurrency (int) (default: 50000):

    The best effort maximum number of Go routines to use. Lower this number to reduce memory usage.

  • initialization_concurrency (int) (default: 4)

    During initialization the AWS source plugin fetches information about each account and region. This setting controls how many accounts can be initialized concurrently. Only configurations with many accounts (either hardcoded or discovered via Organizations) should require modifying this setting, to either lower it to avoid rate limit errors, or to increase it to speed up the initialization process.

  • scheduler (string) (default: dfs):

    The scheduler to use when determining the priority of resources to sync. Currently, the only supported values are dfs (depth-first search), round-robin and shuffle. For more information about this, see performance tuning.

  • aws_debug (bool) (default: false)

    If true, will log AWS debug logs, including retries and other request/response metadata

  • max_retries (int) (default: 10)

    Defines the maximum number of times an API request will be retried

  • max_backoff (int) (default: 30)

    Defines the duration between retry attempts

  • custom_endpoint_url (string) (default: not used)

    The base URL endpoint the SDK API clients will use to make API calls to. The SDK will suffix URI path and query elements to this endpoint

  • custom_endpoint_hostname_immutable (bool) (default: not used)

    Specifies if the endpoint's hostname can be modified by the SDK's API client. When using something like LocalStack make sure to set it equal to true.

  • custom_endpoint_partition_id (string) (default: not used)

    The AWS partition the endpoint belongs to

  • custom_endpoint_signing_region (string) (default: not used)

    The region that should be used for signing the request to the endpoint

  • use_paid_apis (bool) (default: false)

    When set to true plugin will sync data from APIs that incur a fee. Currently only aws_costexplorer* and aws_alpha_cloudwatch_metric* tables require this flag to be set to true.


The table_options parameter is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please reach out to the CloudQuery team if you require this feature

  • preview table_options (map) (default: not used)

    This is a preview feature (for more information about preview features look at plugin versioning) that enables users to override the default options for specific tables. The root of the object takes a table name, and the next level takes an API method name. The final level is the actual input object as defined by the API.

    The format of the table_options object is as follows:

          - <input_object>

    A list of <input_object> objects should be provided. CloudQuery will iterate through these to make multiple API calls. This is useful for APIs like CloudTrail's LookupEvents that only supports a single event type per call. For example:

            - start_time: 2023-05-01T20:20:52Z
              end_time:   2023-05-03T20:20:52Z
                - attribute_key: EventName
                  attribute_value: RunInstances
            - start_time: 2023-05-01T20:20:52Z
              end_time:   2023-05-03T20:20:52Z
                - attribute_key: EventName
                  attribute_value: StartInstances
            - start_time: 2023-05-01T20:20:52Z
              end_time:   2023-05-03T20:20:52Z
                - attribute_key: EventName
                  attribute_value: StopInstances

    The naming for all the fields is the same as the AWS API but in snake case. For example EndTime is represented as end_time. As of v18.4.0 the following tables and APIs are supported:

          - <ListFindings>
        - list_metrics:
            # Namespace, MetricName and Dimensions fields cannot be set here and are derived from the result of the respective ListMetrics call
            - <GetMetricStatistics>
          - <LookupEvents>
          - <ListFindings>
          - <GetFindings>
          - <ListTasks>
  • enterprise version only event_based_sync (array) (default: empty)


This is used to specify one or more accounts to extract information from. Note that it should be an array of objects, each with the following fields:

  • id (string) (required)

    Will be used as an alias in the source plugin and in the logs

  • local_profile (string) (default: will use current credentials)

    Local profile (opens in a new tab) to use to authenticate this account with. Please note this should be set to the name of the profile.

    For example, with the following credentials file:


    local_profile should be set to either default or user1.

  • role_arn (string)

    If specified will use this to assume role

  • role_session_name (string)

    If specified will use this session name when assume role to role_arn

  • external_id (string)

    If specified will use this when assuming role to role_arn

  • default_region (string) (default: us-east-1)

    If specified, this region will be used as the default region for the account.

  • regions (string)

    Regions to use for this account. Defaults to global regions setting.


  • admin_account (Account)

    Configuration for how to grab credentials from an Admin account

  • member_trusted_principal (Account)

    Configuration for how to specify the principle to use in order to assume a role in the member accounts

  • member_role_name (string) (required)

    Role name that CloudQuery should use to assume a role in the member account from the admin account.

    Note: This is not a full ARN, it is just the name.

  • member_role_session_name (string)

    Overrides the default session name.

  • member_external_id (string)

    Specify an external ID for use in the trust policy

  • member_regions ([]string)

    Limit fetching resources within this specific account to only these regions. This will override any regions specified in the provider block. You can specify all regions by using the * character as the only argument in the array.

  • organization_units ([]string)

    List of Organizational Units that CloudQuery should use to source accounts from. If you specify an OU, CloudQuery will also traverse nested OUs.

  • skip_organization_units ([]string)

    List of Organizational Units to skip. This is useful in conjunction with organization_units if there are child OUs that should be ignored.

  • skip_member_accounts ([]string)

    List of OU member accounts to skip. This is useful if there are accounts under the selected OUs that should be ignored.


Event-based syncing is only supported by the enterprise-version AWS plugin. Read more about event-based syncs

  • account (Account)

    Configuration for the credentials that will be used to grab records from the specified Kinesis Stream. If this is not specified the default credentials will be used

  • kinesis_stream_arn (string) (required)

    ARN for the Kinesis stream that will hold all of the CloudTrail records

  • start_time (timestamp)

    Defines the place in the stream where record processing should begin. By default, the time at which the sync began will be used. The value should follow the RFC 3339 format. For example 2023-09-04T19:24:14Z

  • full_sync (bool) (default: true)

    By default CQ will do a full sync on the specified tables before starting to consume the events in the stream. This parameter enables users to skip the full pull based sync and go straight to the event based sync.

Advanced Configuration

Incremental Tables

Some tables, like aws_cloudtrail_events, support incremental syncs. When incremental syncing is enabled, CloudQuery will only fetch new data since the last sync. This is useful for tables that have a lot of data and are updated frequently. To enable incremental syncs, add a backend_options section to the source config:

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: aws
  path: cloudquery/aws
  version: "v22.15.0"
  tables: ["aws_cloudtrail_events"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    table_name: "cq_aws_state"
    connection: "@@plugins.postgresql.connection"
kind: destination
  name: "postgresql"
  version: "v6.1.0"
  path: "cloudquery/postgresql"
  write_mode: "overwrite-delete-stale"
    connection_string: "${CONNECTION_STRING}"

The connection string can reference any destination that supports overwrite mode; in the example above it will use the same postgresql destination that the aws_cloudtrail_events table is written to. The table_name is the name of the table that will be used to store state. This table will be created automatically if it does not exist. For more information about managing state for incremental tables, see Managing Incremental Tables.

Skip Tables

AWS has tables that may contain many resources, nested information, and AWS-provided data. These tables may cause certain syncs to be slow due to the amount of AWS-provided data and may not be needed. We recommend only specifying syncing from necessary tables. If * is necessary for tables, Below is a reference configuration of skip tables, where certain tables are skipped.

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: aws
  path: cloudquery/aws
  version: "v22.15.0"
  tables: ["*"]
    - aws_cloudtrail_events
    - aws_docdb_cluster_parameter_groups
    - aws_docdb_engine_versions
    - aws_ec2_instance_types
    - aws_ec2_vpc_endpoint_services
    - aws_elasticache_engine_versions
    - aws_elasticache_parameter_groups
    - aws_elasticache_reserved_cache_nodes_offerings
    - aws_elasticache_service_updates
    - aws_iam_group_last_accessed_details
    - aws_iam_policy_last_accessed_details
    - aws_iam_role_last_accessed_details
    - aws_iam_user_last_accessed_details
    - aws_neptune_cluster_parameter_groups
    - aws_neptune_db_parameter_groups
    - aws_rds_cluster_parameter_groups
    - aws_rds_db_parameter_groups
    - aws_rds_engine_versions
    - aws_servicequotas_services
    - aws_stepfunctions_map_run_executions
    - aws_stepfunctions_map_runs
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    # AWS Spec section described below