Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin configuration reference

Latest: v4.3.11

Example Configuration

kind: destination
  name: "mssql"
  registry: "github"
  path: "cloudquery/mssql"
  version: "v4.3.11"
    connection_string: "server=localhost;user id=SA;password=yourStrongP@ssword;port=1433;database=cloudquery;"
    # Optional parameters:
    # auth_mode: ms
    # schema: dbo
    # batch_size: 1000 # 1K entries
    # batch_size_bytes: 5242880 # 5 MiB
    # batch_timeout: 20s

Make sure you use environment variable expansion in production instead of committing the credentials to the configuration file directly.

The Microsoft SQL Server destination utilizes batching, and supports batch_size and batch_size_bytes.

Microsoft SQL Server spec

This is the (nested) spec used by the Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin.

  • connection_string (string) (required)

    Connection string to connect to the database. See SDK documentation (opens in a new tab) for more details.

  • auth_mode (string) (optional) (default: ms)

    If you need to authenticate via Azure Active Directory ensure you specify azure value. See SDK documentation (opens in a new tab) for more information. Supported values:

    • ms connect to Microsoft SQL Server instance
    • azure connect to Azure SQL Server instance
  • schema (string) (optional) (default: dbo)

    Schema name to be used. By default, Microsoft SQL Server destination plugin will use the default (opens in a new tab) schema named dbo.

  • batch_size (integer) (optional) (default: 1000)

    This parameter controls the maximum amount of items may be grouped together to be written as a single write.

  • batch_size_bytes (integer) (optional) (default: 5242880 (= 5 MiB))

    This parameter controls the maximum size of items that may be grouped together to be written as a single write.

  • batch_timeout (duration) (optional) (default: 20s (= 20 seconds))

    This parameter controls the timeout for writing a single batch.

Verbose logging for debug

The Microsoft SQL Server destination can be run in debug mode. To achieve this pass the log option to connection_string. See SDK documentation (opens in a new tab) for more details.

Note: This will use SDK (opens in a new tab) built-in logging and might output data and sensitive information to logs. Make sure not to use it in production environment.

kind: destination
  name:     "mssql"
  registry: "github"
  path:     "cloudquery/mssql"
  version:  "v4.3.11"

    connection_string: "${MS_SQL_CONN_STRING};log=255"